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Tower Attack


This follows Notum War activity (bot must be in top 3 rank of the org for a full functionnality).


!battle (to see current fights)

!victory (to see past results)


AlertDisc: Description: Do we alert Discord of Tower Attacks ?

AlertIrc: Description: Do we alert Irc of Tower Attacks ?

AttacksPerBlob: Description: How many attacks should be shown in the attack history blob?

AttackStringOrged: Description: This string is used as base for all tower attack spam of orged characters. For more information read the comment in TowerAttack.php for the format_attack_string() function

AttackStringUnorged: Description: This string is used as base for all tower attack spam of orged characters. For more information read the comment in TowerAttack.php for the format_attack_string() function

BlobStringOrged: Description: This string is used as base for every entry in the history blob for tower attacks. For more information read the comment in TowerAttack.php for the format_attack_string() function

BlobStringUnorged: Description: This string is used as base for every entry in the history blob for tower attacks. For more information read the comment in TowerAttack.php for the format_attack_string() function

DiscChanId: Description: What Discord ChannelId in case we separate Tower Attacks from main Discord channel (leave empty for all in main channel) ?

ReadOnly: Description: Should the bot only read tower attacks without adding them to the tables? Useful if you got several bots sharing tower tables.

RelayTowerDamage: Description: Should damage spam of towers be relayed to the private group and/or any linked bots?

Spam: Description: Is spamming of tower attacks into org chat on or off?

SpamPrevention: Description: Should several attacks on the same site in a short timeframe be collected and spammed as a blob instead of showing each attack singulary?

SpamTo: Description: Where should any tower spam be displayed to? Just gc, just pgmsg, or both?

SuppressTime: Description: This is the time after last attack on same org that the attack with be suppressed for in seconds

VictoryBlobSize: Description: How many victories from the history should be displayed at once?

VictoryString: Description: This string is used as base for the victory lines in the victory blob. For more information read the comment in TowerAttack.php for the format_attack_string() function