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IRC.php (incomplete)


This module allows the bot to connect to and interact with members on an Internet Relay Chat channel.


 * Shows guild-chat and (optionally) pg-chat in the IRC-channel
 * Shows IRC-chat in guild-chat and (optionally) in pg-chat.


- Relaying between guilds via IRC is deprecated. Please use the relay feature of the bot.

Commands provided
^Command  ^ Keyword   ^Argument(s)   ^Description                                                             ^Tell      ^Guild     ^Priv      ^
|!irc     | server    | <servername> |Selects the irc server <servername> as the one the bot will connect to. |Owner     |Owner     |Owner     |
|!irc     | port      | <portnumber> |Chooses the port that will be used to connect to the irc server         |Owner     |Owner     |Owner     |
|!irc     | channel   |#<channelname>|Selects the channel the bot will use when connected.                    |Owner     |Owner     |Owner     |
|!irc     | channelkey| <password>   |Uses <password> to connect to a locked channel.                         |Owner     |Owner     |Owner     |
|!irc     | nick      | <nickname>   |Changes the bot's name to <nickname>                                    |Owner     |Owner     |Owner     |
|!irc     | oauthtok      | <oauth:xyz123> |Sets the OAuth Token the bot will use to connect to server        |Owner     |Owner     |Owner     |

Notes to table:\\

- When specifying the channel the # is NOT OPTIONAL.

Related commands

!irc connect : connect to IRC

!irc disconnect : disconnect from IRC

!irconline : check who's online IRC side

Module settings

Announce: Description: Should we announce logons and logoffs as controlled by the Logon module to IRC?

AnnounceTo: Description: Where should joins and leaves to the IRC channel be announced to?

AnnounceWhat: Description: Which events should be announced to IRC? None, only buddies logging on, only joins to the chatgroup or both?

Channel: Description: Which IRC channel should be used?

ChannelKey: Description: What is the IRC channel key if any?

Chat: Description: Which channels should be relayed into IRC and vice versa?

GuildPrefix: Description: Which prefix should IRC chat relayed to ingame chat get?

ignoreSyntax: Description: Is there a first letter that should make the bot ignore messages for IRC relay (leave empty if none) ?

IrcGuestPrefix: Description: Which prefix should ingame chat in the chat group of the bot relayed to IRC get?

IrcGuildPrefix: Description: Which prefix should ingame guild chat relayed to IRC get?

ItemRef: Description: Should AOItems or AUNO be used for links in item refs?

IncLog/OutLog: Description: options to activate or desactivate relay logging.

MaxRelaySize: Description: What's the maximum amount of characters relayed to IRC?

Nick: Description: Which nick should the bot use in IRC?

NotifyOnDrop: Description: Should the chat be notified if something isn't relayed because it's too large?

OAuthTok: Description: What OAuth Token, if needed to connect (otherwise leave empty)?

Port: Description: Which port is used to connect to the IRC server?

PrivRelay: Description: Should the bot be relaying private join/leave to Irc ?

Reconnect: Description: Should the bot automatically reconnect to IRC?

Server: Description: Which IRC server is used?

 * With recent patches, Bebot is now able to connect to IRC specific services like Twitch (server / port 6667) using an OAuth Token created via

Please note some modules have extended options to relay towards Irc.

Irc side commands available are : help, tara, viza, is, online/sm, whois, alts, level/lvl/pvp, bots/bot/up