This module turns current bot into a Com(munication) dedicated tool, possibly via AoCp proxy for 1K+ friendlist.
It works by calls on existing functions within Autouseradd and Massmsg modules that must be active but only in Com bot.
It will join all of set channels, hosted by bots in which it should be set at least LEADER + sharing online DB is recommended.
Those notified targets are then listened for member/buddy autoaddition in Com bot, so their Autouseradd should be disabled.
Also, for LEADER and above, the Com bot offers !sendcom as replacing Massmsg's !announce - also preferably disabled on all targets.
Endly, on any user logon, if some raid is running that is not yet locked, the player will be informed about and invited to join.
In short: Com module centralizes all management of big friendlist + massive /tell send, lighting all targets of such tasks.