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Handles raid functions and awards raid points


 * List of features the module provides

Commands provided
^Command  ^ Keyword  ^Argument(s)   ^Description                          ^Tell      ^Guild     ^Priv      ^
|!raid    |start     |<word(s)>     |Starts named raid                    |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid   |description|<word(s)>     |Renames raid                         |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |note      |<word(s)>     |Adds raid a note                     |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |end       |              |Ends a raid                          |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |cancel    |              |Cancels a raid                       |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |tank      |<name>        |Sets raid tank                       |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |move      |<number>      |Adds move in X seconds to announce   |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid   |showcallers|<on|off>      |Adds callers to announce             |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |showtank  |<on|off>      |Adds tank to announce                |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |check     |              |Check presence of raid participants  |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |list      |              |Shows info about raid participants   |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |reward    |<pts>         |Rewards a raid                       |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |punish    |<pts>         |Punishes a raid                      |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |pause     |              |Pauses points over time              |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |unpause   |              |Unpauses points over time            |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |join      |              |Join a raid                          |Guest     |N/A       |Guest     |
|!raid    |leave     |              |Leaves a raid                        |Guest     |N/A       |Guest     |
|!raid    |add       |<name>        |Adds player <name> to the raid       |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |kick      |<name>        |Kicks player <name> from the raid    |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |lock      |              |Locks the raid from further joins    |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |unlock    |              |Opens the raid for joins after a lock|Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |notin     |              |Warns not joined to do so            |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |notinkick |              |Kicked not joined                    |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!raid    |top       |              |Shows Leaders/Raiders Top #5         |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |
|!s       |          |<text>        |Shouts the text on channel           |Leader    |N/A       |Leader    |

Notes to table:\\ You also can check !raidhistory with linked details about each ended raid.

Related commands

 * **!points** - Manage raid points. See Points.php
 * **!caller** - Manage callers for raids and events. See Callers.php


AlertDisc: Description: Do we alert Discord of raid activity ?

AlertIrc: Description: Do we alert Irc of raid activity ?

AnnounceDelay: Description: Specify the delay between raid announces.

AutoEnd: Description: After how many hours a running raid is assumed forgotten and ended automatically?

Cformat: Description: How Should the Raid Command be Output, Use and to place name and message where you want. also for new line

Command: Description: Who should be able to access the higher level raid commands (all commands except join/leave)?

DiscChanId: Description: What Discord ChannelId in case we separate raid alerts from main Discord channel (leave empty for all in main channel)

DiscTag: Description: Should we add a Discord Tag (e.g. @here or @everyone) to raid starts for notifying Discord users (leave empty for no notification) ?

inPG: Description: Do users have to be in the PG to join a Raid?

minlevel: Description: Whats the Default min level to join Raid.

MoreBots: Description: Anymore bots (sharing same DB) that should be included in the raid stats? This has to be a comma-separated list.

Points: Description: How Many points should a User get Every minute while in Raid

raidtypes: Description: List of Raid Types to show in raid control, use ; to seperate

showcallers: Description: Whats the Default for Show Callers.

showlft: Description: show LFT link next to raid join

showtank: Description: Whats the Default for Show Tank.

AddOnRejoin: Description: Automatically add players to the raid if they where in the raid but left and rejoin bot's channel?

Remonleave: Description: Automatically remove players from the raid if they leave bot's channel?

TopAll: Description: Do we show all times Top 5 ?

TopMonth: Description: Do we show monthly Top 5 ?

TopYear: Description: Do we show yearly Top 5 ?