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Revision as of 19:40, 1 April 2023 by B3b0tUzR (talk | contribs) (→‎Settings)
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The Logon Notifies core module offers a central place to handle logon notifies for guests or members on the buddy list. To prevent instant spamming it offers a custom-definable delay to the notifications to the modules.

How to register for notifies

If a module wants to use notifies to user logging in via this module it has to register it in the constructor. To do this it has to call

$this -> bot -> logon_notifies -> register($this)

Every time a buddy logs in the module gets now notified via it's notify() function after the defined delay.

Function notify($name)

Any module using the central notifies has to implement the function


$name is the name of the newly logged in character. Any further actions for the character have to be taken here.


You can edit the settings by doing :

!settings Logon_notifies

Enabled: Are notifies on logon enabled or disabled?

Notify_Delay: How many seconds should be waited after logon of a buddy till any notifies are sent to him?

Startup_Delay: How many seconds should be waited after startup before bot starts firing its notifcations?