AlienAttack GUILD.php

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Revision as of 22:19, 16 September 2020 by B3b0tUzR (talk | contribs) (Created page with '====== AlienAttack_GUILD.php ====== ==== Description ==== Offers info about alien attacks and other city events ==== Features ==== * Running reminder to re-enable the cloa…')
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Offers info about alien attacks and other city events


 * Running reminder to re-enable the cloaking device if this isn't done immediately.

Commands provided

^Command ^ Keyword ^Argument(s) ^Description ^Tell ^Guild ^Priv ^ |!city | | |Shows a window with information about city/raid events|Guest |Guest |Guest | ^Command ^ Keyword ^Argument(s) ^Description ^Tell ^Guild ^Priv ^ |!cloak | | |Same as !city |Guest |Guest |Guest |

Module settings

^Setting ^Default ^Description ^ |Cloak_reminder|15 |How many minutes should pass between reminders |

Module colors

^Scheme name ^Default ^ |cloak_enabled |lime | |cloak_disabled|orange | |cloak_warning |red |