User Admin
Important DISCLAIMER: Any use of this module is 100% at your own risk.
You will be sole responsible if you happen to delete unrecoverable datas by mistake.
So always backup your full database first before doing anymore command you may regret - too late.
This is a SUPERADMIN sensible tool. Remember to BACKUP your database before clearing any data.
Buddies however are stored in the bot's friendlist & could be rebuilt by !rosterupdate. Same goes for !whois datas which are pulled on demand.
ALL other datas might be unrecoverable (except for AO Org Members possibly readded by !rosterupdate).
So please first read the help section for more details on each function.
!useradmin - Show overview of members, buddies and stats.
!useradmin userlist - Displays a list of all of the bot's users.
!useradmin userlist <all|member|guest|anonymous|banned> - Displays a filtered list of the bot's users.
!useradmin userlist clear <guest|anonymous|banned> - Purge users from the bot's users.
!useradmin memberlist - Displays a list of all of the bot's members.
!useradmin memberlist main - Displays a list of all of the bot's members which are main characters.
!useradmin memberlist alt - Displays a list of all of the bot's members which are alt characters.
!useradmin memberlist idle <#> - List of members sorted by last seen who have been idle for <#> days.
!useradmin memberlist clear <#> - Remove all users who have been idle for <#> days ; ALWAYS backup first as these datas might then be unrecoverable (except for AO org members possibly readded by rosterupdate).
!useradmin altlist list obsolete - List obsolete entries in the alts table for characters who are no longer members of the bot.
!useradmin altlist clear obsolete - Remove entries from the alts table for characters who are no longer members of the bot. Note: Semi-safe to run.. if people add alts before they are invited to guild, this might get lost though.
!useradmin buddylist - Displays a list of all of the bot's buddies.
!useradmin buddylist missing - Displays a list of members not currently added to the bot's buddylist.
!useradmin buddylist clear - Wipes all of the bots buddies from the bot's buddylist. Note: Safe to run, you can always re-add members by running rosterupdate.
!useradmin buddy add <id> - Add a character identified by id to the bot's buddylist.
!useradmin buddy remove <id> - Remove a character identified by id from the bot's buddylist. Note: Safe to run, you can always readd members by running rosterupdate.
!useradmin whois clear <all|member|guest|anonymous|banned|obsolete> - Remove entries from the whois database. Note: Safe to run, whois database will build itself up again when characters gets added to bot or people run whois.