Set of commands to help calculating attacks requirements and thresholds.
!aimedshot [Aimed Shot skill] [Weapon attack] [Weapon recharge] - Command to get AS multiplier, recharge and cap.
!brawl [Brawl skill] - Command to get Brawl recharge, damage and stun details.
!burst [Burst skill] [Weapon attack] [Weapon recharge] [Burst delay] - Command to get Burst recharge and cap.
!dimach [Dimach kill] [Profession] - Command to get Dimach recharge and details.
!fastattack [Fast Attack skill] [Weapon attack] - Command to get Fast Attack recharge and cap.
!flingshot [Fling skill] [Weapon attack] - Command to get Fling Shot recharge and cap.
!fullauto [Full Auto skill] [Weapon attack] [Weapon recharge] [Full Auto delay] - Command to get Full Auto details.
!mafist [Martial Art skill] [Profession] - Command to get MA Fist recharge and details.
!nanoinit [Nano Init skill] [Nano Attack] - Command to get Nano Init details.
!weapon [game item] - Command to see posted game item details.