Difference between revisions of "DiscordRelay.php"

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Description: Discord channel ID that will be relayed from/to ?
Description: Discord channel ID that will be relayed from/to ?
Description: Is there a first letter that should make the bot ignore messages for Discord relay (leave empty if none) ?

Revision as of 19:29, 15 November 2023



Allows to relay to/from a discord channel.

Settings for discord

Announce: Description: Should we announce logons and logoffs as controlled by the Logon module to Discord?

BotToken: Description: Bot Token obtain from https://discord.com/developers/applications ?

ChannelId: Description: Discord channel ID that will be relayed from/to ?

ignoreSyntax: Description: Is there a first letter that should make the bot ignore messages for Discord relay (leave empty if none) ?

ServerId: Description: Discord server ID for the widget online checks ?

WhatChat: Description: Which channel(s) should be relayed into Discord and vice versa ?

Commands for discord

!discord connect - Tries relaying from/to the Discord channel.

!discord disconnect - Stops relaying from/to the Discord channel.


Please note some modules have extended options to relay towards Discord (possibly on specific channels of main discord server).

Discord side commands available are : help, tara, viza, is, online/sm, whois, alts, level/lvl/pvp